Free PDF BookInstant OpenCV Starter

[Download Ebook.I4Vn] Instant OpenCV Starter

[Download Ebook.I4Vn] Instant OpenCV Starter

[Download Ebook.I4Vn] Instant OpenCV Starter

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[Download Ebook.I4Vn] Instant OpenCV Starter

Get started with OpenCV using practical, hands-on projects with this book and ebook Overview Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results Step by step installation of OpenCV in Windows and Linux Examples and code based on real-life implementation of OpenCV to help the reader understand the importance of this technology Codes and algorithms with detailed explanations In Detail In the digital age of image and video sharing, the need for computer vision is at an all time high. Take a look around you and you will see that computer vision is being implemented everywhere. It is being used in automobiles, social networking sites, and in various other fields such as medical science, robotics, security, home automation, and so on. This is where OpenCV comes into the picture. OpenCV is the world's most popular open source computer vision library with more than 500 optimized algorithms for image and video analysis. Instant OpenCV Starter is a practical, hands-on guide that will help you understand the importance of computer vision in real life as well as the various different functions of the OpenCV library via small programming projects with simple, detailed explanations. This book helps beginners quickly learn OpenCV to implement various computer vision related tasks. You will first understand the importance and applications of computer vision in real life. After that, you will learn how to set up OpenCV, followed by a series of practical programming projects to get you familiar with various functions in the OpenCV library. The book will also focus on the usage of OpenCV in a few awesome projects such as detecting boundaries in a given image, hiding an image in a different image to transmit secret information (known as image steganography) as well as do real-time video processing. Instant OpenCV Starter will teach you how to install and use the OpenCV library for various simple computer vision related tasks. What you will learn from this book Discover the basics of OpenCV Install OpenCV in Windows and Linux Learn trivial OpenCV tasks such as reading, displaying, cropping, and saving images Understand pixel manipulation Apply image conversions Explore image and video processing Handle troubleshooting Approach Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks.A practical, quick, and hands-on guide for Python developers and hobbyists who want to get started with computer vision with OpenCV. Who this book is written for This book is great for developers, hobbyists, and students new to computer vision who are looking to get a good grounding in how to use the OpenCV library. It’s assumed that you will have some basic experience in C/C++ programming. OpenCV - 2012 - OpenCV DevZone OpenCV Meeting notes for 2012 year Template is at Download - UpdateStar - No more missed important software updates! UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. The database recognizes 1746000 software titles and delivers updates for ... All eBooks - Free Download IT eBooks All eBooks - IT eBook free library ... Title: ISBN: Page: Year.NET Development Using the Compiler API: 978-1-484221-10-5: 176: 2016.Net Framework 4.5 Expert Programming Cookbook Free Learning - Free Technology eBooks PACKT Books A new free programming tutorial book every day! Develop new tech skills and knowledge with Packt Publishings daily free learning giveaway. ... Not yet a member? Register for an account and access leading-edge ... Raspberry Pi Blog - News Announcements and Ideas This is the official Raspberry Pi blog for news and updates from the Raspberry Pi Foundation education initiatives community projects and more! Unity Assets January 2016 Bundle - 2016/01/01 - Asset Store Link Unity Assets/3D Models/Environments -- Japanese Iris Garden Pack (275.95Mb) version: 1.1 2016/01/01 - Asset Store Link Unity Assets/3D Models/Animals/Toons -- Cute Fish (11.99Mb ... Picamera pour piloter intgralement la camra de votre Raspberry Pi ... Si vous possdez un module camra pour votre Raspberry Pi vous avez certainement utilis raspistill et raspivid qui sont les outils disponibles en ligne de commande pour mettre en uvre la camra. Arduino Playground - ArduinoUsers :: Exhibition :: The place to share and show off projects Until someone finds a way to categorize what is here be sure to remember that your browser has a "find in this page" tool (ctrl-F in Firefox) which can help ... Google Account Options. ; ; ; : : Google Research Resources Research Resources. A Subject Tracer Information Blog developed and created by Internet expert author keynote speaker and consultant Marcus P. Zillman M.S. A.M.H.A. for monitoring research resources ...
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